Clubs & Associations
Every interest is catered for in our town. These Clubs are operated by dedicated indivduals so let's support them all!

Malahide Historical Society
Our aims are to record the past for future generations through documention, lectures and walks. We are constantly researching Malahide's history and welcome new members.
Contact: Roger Greene T: 01 845 1967 W: www.malahideheritage.com E: malahideheritage@eircom.net
Malahide Tidy Town Group
Malahide is a part National winner of this competition and a consistent winner of Gold Medal Awards. Our group is committed to the maintenance and improvement of our beutiful town so that is is a better place to live, work and visit.
Contact: Gerry Rafferty Contact us on Facebook, click here.
Malahide Camera Club
The club is Affiliated to the Irish Photographic Federation, aims are to promote photography through enjoyment, to encourage basic skills and techniques and to develop the creative potential of our members. Meeting on Thursdays at the Grand Hotel.
Malahide Sea Scouts
From our Scout Den on the sea front, we provide boating and canoeing most evenings during the summer and all year round at weekends. For boys and girls aged 6 to 26 years of age.
A: Sea Scouts, St. James Terrace W: www.malahideseascouts.ie E: grouper@malahideseascouts.ie
Malahide Girls Brigade
The Girls’ Brigade is an International Uniformed Youth Organisation for girls of all ages, denominations, backgrounds and abilities. We offer a varied programme of activities designed to educate, challenge and inspire young people in a safe, fun and sociable environment
A: St. Andrew's Church Parish Centre T: 01 668 9134 W: www.girlsbrigadeirl.ie E: info@girlsbrigadeirl.ie
Catholic Guides of Ireland
Cygnets - 5-7 yrs, Brigins 7-1.05 yrs, Guides 10.5 -14 yrs and Rangers 14-18. Meetings in Pope John Paul's School on Thursday nights. Starting at 5.30pm and finishing at 9.30pm
A: W: www.girlguidesireland.ie E: malahideguideunit@gmail.com
Malahide Foroige Youth Club
Foróige has been was established to provide a safe social outlet for young people to meet and get involved in a wide range of activities and participate in events. The club meets on Thursdays from 8-9.30pm in the Malahide Tennis Club.
A: Malahide Lawn Tennis Club T: 01630 1560 W: www.foroige.ie E: bryan.gavin@foroige.ie
Malahide Chess Club
Malahide Chess club meets regularly on Monday evenings at 8pm, except for bank holidays. We host Blitz, Thematic, Rapid, Demonstration and Problem Solving events on a regular basis as well as more casual evenings.
A: St. Sylvesters GAA Club, Church Road. W: www.malahidechessclub.ie E: Click here for email
Malahide Regional Bridge Club
Situated in our own Clubhouse, we are a very active Club affiliated to the Irish Bridge Union.
A: Malahide Regional Bridge Club, Broomfield T: 01 846 0399 W:www.bridgewebs.com/malahideregional
Malahide Horticultural Society
Promoting horticulture, arboriculture & floral art. Annual show in July.
Phone: 01 845 3947 W: www.rhsi.ie/societies.html
Malahide Lions Club
Malahide Lions Club serves the communities of the surrounding areas. However, many of our projects also help people outside the local area. We meet twice a month (on 1st and 3rd Tuesday) in the Grand Hotel, Malahide at 8 pm.
A: c/o Grand Hotel W: www.malahidelions.com E: malahideclubinfo@malahidelions.com
Malahide Junior Chamber
JCI provides young people in their 20s and 30s the opportunity to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to create positive change.
CASA is a charity that provides respite care for people with disabilities. They have run a Breakhouse in 15 Ard na Mara a voluntary basis for over 25 years .
Enchiriadeis Tresi Choir
Enchiriadis Treis is a mixed adult choir of about 120 voices. Our main repertoire is based on the great classical choral works, but we also perform works by modern composers. We are always looking for new recruits!
W: http://ench3.com Facebook: Click here
Malahide Pipe Band
The Malahide Pipe Band was established in 1954 with the objective to promote piping and drumming in the area. The band plays at local events and aims to play at various pipe band competitions during the Summer months.
Anyone interested in learning to play the bagpipes or snare drums please contact us. Children 12+ to adults welcome. Evening classes organised in Malahide.
W: http://www.dublin.ie/websites/malahidepipeband E: malahidepipeband@gmail.com
Malahide Musical & Dramatic Society
Malahide Musical & Dramatic Society has been producing amateur plays and musicals in the area since 1976. We are affiliated to the Association of Irish Musical Societies (AIMS). New members are always welcome both on and off the stage.
Facebook: Click for our page E: malahidemusicalsociety@gmail.com Twitter: @MalahideMS
Malahide Toastmasters Club
Established in 1981. New members are always very welcome! It provides a friendly, supportive environment where anyone, 18 or over, can improve their public speaking skills. Members are of all backgrounds and ages; we currently have members from their 20's up to their 90's
Website: www.malahidetoastmasters.com E: info@malahidetoastmasters.com